Me in a nutshell: My name is Wanis Suwini Ismail-Shurts. Some people call me Wanis Manis (manis is sweet in Malay) and the Malaysian family call me Nini (short for Suwini. Has nothing to do with the word ninny. Although, seeing a snake can turn me into the later. Don’t judge.)

I have 18 years of below-the-line (BTL) experience in Malaysia. I now call the United States of America home and am based in Chicagoland. There’s so much to learn in this new land, and I’m game to learn – Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth et al. Life is short. We must take it by the reins and show who’s the master. Or at least, die trying.

I am gung-ho that way. And honest. I used the lasso, can you tell?

I believe communication is the first vital point of action.
Come on then. Let’s swap stories.

This is where you can find me: